I spent some time today at the Ann Arbor Art Fairs. It is four fairs in one. Ann Arbor always makes it into the top 5 fairs of the country. If you like an art fair, this is the major league of art fairs. You could not see this show in a day, maybe not even two days. I went early because it was going to be over 90 degrees today. The shuttle bus dropped me off on the University of Michigan campus and I walked around downtown Ann Arbor through the booths.

There is all kinds of art here, alot of it very far out. I always wonder how they sell that stuff to these midwestern Michiganders. These were jackets, stoles and vests out of some kind of black fabric and they were stiff. Really wearable.

It was about 92 degrees. How many of these do you think sold? It made me sweat just thinking about it.
And then my camera battery betrayed me. Oh, I am so sorry because there were so many weird things I wanted to share with you. Like the man pushing a double decker dog stroller. And Ms. Davis' Chair Across America. An artist took a white wooden chair across America and put it in the picture everyplace she stopped.
I think I would like to be an artist now and make art and sell it. I need a partner, so will you all consider it? And imagine the following (all seen and heard at the show) at our booth next year at the art fair.
(Me dressed in patchwork dress and converse with crazy cat eye glasses and green hair. You in bell bottoms and braless in a tank top, with tattoos and Birkenstocks.)
Me: "You have really been prolific in the last month."
You: "It is because I nap each day. If I don't get a nap, I am doomed, just doomed."
Me: "Yeah, the energy of the glass is exhausting."
You: " My muse has been very inspiring."
You: (to customer) "We are talented artists. You should buy this now before we get famous."
And we should remember to apply for our booth space early so we don't get stuck on the block with the non-profits. There was everything I could imagine and some I could not begin to understand. There were booths for:
- Revolutionary Socialism (any idea what this is?)
- Michigan Atheists
- SE Michigan Naturalists (nudists...and they were wearing clothing)
- How to Study the Bible
- The Mars Society (they like Mars!)
- every church and religion on the planet
Since I was early, the first hour was great, but then People Walking So Slowly That I Can't Detect Movement, or as I call them PWSSTICDM, moved in. And it was 92 degrees, remember? So, I walked and looked and took notes but not pictures until the PWSSTICDM totally blocked up the streets and I felt kind of sick from the heat. Then I got on the bus and went back home.

Here is my only purchase of the day. There was a booth with some vintage stuff and I got this in a pile of vintage beads. They are flower shaped dyed coral. I liked them and they were just $5.
Now I am inspired and hoping I can use it before it goes away,
Normal Girl