OK, I know that last week I said I wanted to be a green haired prairie skirt wearing artist, but I think instead I want to be a prop mistress for a theater. Well, I guess I am kind of already that. I went into the prop/storage room at church today looking for an old set I want to re-use. I like to go in here. I never know what I will find. For instance. Why in the world would we save an old toilet? If it was replaced by a new one, why would we still want the old one?? What could I do with it?????

Some old columns, we have used these for alot of old testament stuff. I used them as pharoah's palace when the kids did the story of Moses. They have been painted a few zillion times. I think I had hieroglyphics on them.

Rocks. Made of styrofoam, so realistic.

These trees. We took them off the stage because they looked so bad. So, why are they being saved?? Pack rat central. Is that a rule of churches? Never throw anything away?

OH! My red Christmas candles. See them? They are 6 feet tall. I had them onstage with real fire. They were totally cool and very smokey. It was like being at a rock concert. OK. A free bracelet proclaiming your brilliance to whoever can think up a good way for me to re-use those things. Start thinking.

A tree, a cross and a throne. Look hard. See the red velvet throne behind the cross? The throne of God.

The throne of man???
It's all in how you look at it.
Normal Girl
oh my gosh that room makes me crazy. have you ever been out to the storage garage behind the school? yes, we save EV-ER-EE-THING.
props to you being in there by yourself.... i vote creepy up there unless you are w/ a friend! :)
but yes, soooo many things! it would be a sweet project to go through everything and get rid of the garbage! think of all the unwanted white elephant gifts!
One of the red columns could be used as the pillar of fire for a Moses story...
The Diplomat (who's hungering for a Kim bracelet...)
Diplomat, we have already done Moses, keep thinking.
Dawn and VoteMom, you are right, that place could be utilized better and I would love to fill a couple dumpsters. Even so, I love poking around in there.
What if you swirl a white stripe from top to bottom and use them as old fashioned peppermint sticks for a life size game of Candy Land?
Anon, Sorry, I forgot to say it has to be usable for church. So, it might be hard to use a candy cane as a sermon illustration.
For a women's retreat or conference, how about giant tubes of lipstick???
GerberBabyGMa, You are the winner, that is GREAT! When is the event??
Yey!!! I am so excited!!!
I luuuuuvvvvv Kim bracelets!
How bout Mar. 20-21?
That isn't the one about sex, is it?
omg this made me laugh so hard!!! i remember when they got those thrones for the pca musical (cinderella) when i was in 8th grade. i haven't been up there in forever!!!
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