I worked for a large manufacturer of craft paint for 20 years. Today, I sent my resume to one of their competitors. I had to also send a mini portfolio. I have never considered myself to be a painter and had a mini freakout thinking about what I possibly could include in it.
Finding way more painted things around the house than I thought to find, I happily show a few of them to you. This is a cigar box purse. Notice anything odd about it? It is upside down. Please don't tell anyone. Remember that thing I have with
old eyeglasses???? 
I did this canvas after a bible study. I traced my hand and my arm. Kind of like a kindergarden painting.

If you can figure out what this painting means, please comment. (Besides the fact that I am apparently afraid to paint hands)

Once upon a time, Wonder Woman and I and a team of women painted chairs for MONTHS to raise money for a mission trip. This is the chair that started the idea. We raised a lot of money, and people still ask about having chairs painted.

Flower. Standard issue.

This is my kitchen backsplash. I started with all white tiles and painted them. I used the kind of enamel paint that you bake to make it permanent. So, my entire wall has been in my oven!

This is a project in a book that I did with The HumanPinball and The Mag. I have no idea why I put tea things on a pitcher. Iced tea? It is not a tea pot. And who wants fuzzy stuff around what they are drinking? Thinking about cannibalizing the tea time beads for something better.

This is in my kitchen. Dig those lips.
I learned a few things from the experience:
- I paint more than I think I do
- You should buy stock in turquoise paint, apparently I use it on everything
- Even 4 years later, I feel weird talking to my old employer's competition
- On the other hand, it made me feel sort of giddy inside thinking I could possible do some work for the competition of the people who thought I was no longer valuable
Maybe I should paint a turquoise painting about those feelings,
Normal Girl