Friday, September 4, 2009


Some of you have already met my newest alter-ego. Sparkle. Sparkle loves glitter and beads and has a blog of her own.

About a week and a half ago, Sparkle got on facebook. She already has 100 friends. Man, she is popular. She just invited everyone that facebook suggested to her. And people are friending her in droves. It got me thinking. Maybe 3 or 4 of you know that Sparkle is me. That makes 96 or 97 that don't know her from Adam. Out of those 100 new friends, only 3 people sent a message asking who the heck Sparkle is. Why do people friend people they don't know?

Sparkle even has one celebrity.....well, famous.......well, used to be famous friend. Angela Cartwright. Remember her? Google her and see. Unless you are under 50, then even googling her will make you say, "huh?" Anyway, how cool is Sparkle?

Next....Sparkle Twitter!
Normal Girl


Anonymous said...

LOL I loved Angela Cartwright - Lost in Space? My favorite show in third grade.

Kim said...

Yes! I liked it too. Danger Will Robinson. And she was in the Sound of Music. Who doesn't love that?

YoungGramee said...

And who can forget her on the Danny Thomas show?