1. Mothballs. They scoff at mothballs.
2. Filling in the burrows. They dig so fast that by the time you put the shovel away and walk in the back door, they have opened up that burrow hole again.
3. Shooting. My brother in law sat in the bathroom window many days with a pellet gun waiting to ping them. The woodchucks knew it. I could hear them in the burrow laughing and telling jokes about him.
4. Ammonia. Not only did they not avoid the ammonia rags, they took them into the burrow.
5. Flooding. I stuck a garden hose into the burrow and turned it on full blast. I let it run for three hours before I turned it off. The burrow is so huge that three hours of water did not fill it. I never saw any of that water come out. I waas afraid I would cave the backyard in.
6. Trapping. This does work temporarily, but not without problems. It is not so bad to put a trap full of woodchuck in the car to take it away. But, what do you do with a trap full of skunk? Yeah.
Come over if you have a large dog. He would have a blast chasing Tooey and Chewey.
Normal Girl
Those are some well-fed woodchucks!
-The Diplomat
wait till the end of summer, those are small....
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