This week was the end of the year banquet for Women of the Word. We went girlie. Recycling the pink glitter shoes for the centerpieces was fun. We added purses, pink lemonade, a really great speaker, and all of our WOW friends. Since purses were the theme, we did games around purses and we visited this website.
Anyone with an issue of spending too much money should go here and feel frugal. It is a site where women go to rent designer purses,, sunglasses, and jewelry. You can rent by the week or by the month.

For instance, you could rent this lovely Chanel bag for only $441 a month. Mind the late fees now.

You can rent this classic Hermes bracelet for $354 a month. And if for one second you are considering it, instead, please go here:
http://www.divinedesignbirdhouse.blogspot.com/ and buy everything on the page, knowing your money will go to a really great cause.

You can rent this vintage Hermes bag for $2510. a month. I did not make a mistake, that is the price. This is beyond my scope of understanding. If someone can explain it to me, I would be grateful. I think renting this bag is not a good idea for someone who ends up with stuff spilled inside the bag or one handle ripped off from carrying too much heavy stuff.

All of that makes this sleek Louis Vuitton at $191 a month seem pitifully cheap, doesn't it?
The idea behind renting a purse, is that for women who already own a pile of purses, it relieves the guilt of buying one more.
Here's what I think. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Normal Girl
i'm sorry...if i ever noticed anyone walking around canton w/ any of those purses you displayed there i would've guessed they were $30 from target or something. lol that is how fashionable i am!
agreed dawn. the only bag of those that i like is the black one, but i wouldn't spent more than $29.99 for it, that's for sure.
what that money could do in the right hands is just too frustrating to think about.
Hi Kim!
Just LOVE those blingy shoes!!!
How ironic is it that someone would actually feeling they needed a bag for STATUS......I love my Kenneth Cole back that I got for $9 at the Value World just fine!
I am adding your blog to mine! Hope the Garage sale does well...you will have to check out my blog...I think I did one on Grace Centers of Hopes, Divine Design that we did last year!
Good seeing ya...Blessings Lorena
hahaha - I just saw all these bags at the bus terminal at the China/Hong Kong boarder - you could have any one of them for $50 - $70 USD -
and that's with me giving them the lighter test - you ask..what is the lighter test.... you 1st ask the sales person if they are leather - and they say " oh yes- leather 4-A quality - high quality - only the best leather" then you take a lighter or a match and start to light it and hold it to the purse - if they scream - they were lying because plastic melts- if they stand there and grin -it's leather and it does nothing...
btw - i love purses, really do, some people like shoes - i like purses - but to rent one??? to carry a purse that will never really be mine and to have to worry about loosing it --seems like self punishment to me. just my opnion.
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