This weekend, I attended an event called The Creative Connection, in Minneapolis. I was only there two days, but did manage to attend the Handmade Market. Over all, these women have embraced crafting. The big trend amongst these crafter is recycling and repurposing. 99% of the crafts were made with vintage pieces or reclaimed junk.
And of course, there is always one person showing her creativity by wearing a tutu.

My function at the event was to teach a class. The marvelous Helen at Blumenthal Lansing made these necklace models for my class, and these are what my students were to make. Fabric/ribbon rosettes are very trendy and well as these big necklaces called bib necklaces.

We did this at a pajama party on Friday night that started at 7:30pm. 100 women signed up for the party, they came in and selected the project they wanted to make. Oh yes, and it was videotaped and shown live online. In my pajamas and robe. Yeah.

My table filled up first and all night, I had women hanging around the table hoping someone would finish and they could get a seat.
I taught my students to make three kinds of rosettes and let them choose fabric and ribbon and go for it.

Here is the first finished necklace of the evening.

Another version..... Don't you love the buttons?
The ladies at my table seemed to enjoy themselves. Even when I did not have enough materials left to complete necklaces, they sat to make rosettes.

At some point in the evening, I looked up to see all of the other tables were finished, and the room was empty except two tables of women working on my project. They did not stop until there were no materials left.
Helen you did great, your project was HOT!

OK, yeah, it was late when we were finished, and people were getting punchy. But, they had a great time and that was what mattered.
Good trip to Minneapolis!
Normal Girl