Normal Girl
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Pomp & Circumstance
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Attention Plymouth Shoppers!
Normal Girl
Friday, May 29, 2009
Shout it Out
P.S. Know anyone that has a coffee table they want to get rid of? The one they have in the women's rec room is falling apart.
Love how God knows just what we need!
Normal Girl
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I Need a Ten Year Old

While I was in the AT&T store, I asked for them to reduce my bill. I already have them for phone, cell phone and internet, so they said it would be a great package deal if I hooked up their cable too.
The guy was here this afternoon and hooked up stuff to my TV that I don't remember even being asked about, much less agreeing to. I am going to need a little kid to help me figure out how to watch anything. I have video on demand and a DVR and who know what else? I hardly ever watch TV, how in the world did I get all of this? That guy at the AT&T store? I have his name and personal cell phone number. If my bill is not cheaper, he is in dire trouble.
I feel railroaded.
Normal Girl
Monday, May 25, 2009
Freedom is not Free

This is the USS Phoenix. It is the only ship that got out of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. My Uncle Norm was on that ship that day. The story he tells is mind blowing. There are not alot of WWII vets left, but Uncle Norm is still here and he has not forgotten one detail of that day.

Freedom is not free.
Normal Girl
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Girls
We got to know them a little bit while we were there. They didn't like to talk about themselves much. They are taught to believe that they live the lives of missionaries, and to be grateful for all they have. And that is not much. They live in a building that is very close to un-liveable. We found electrical problems that we could not believe had not burned the house down. We fixed what we could see, but who knows what else is behind the walls.
Three out of four toilets on the girl's floor did not work. The only food they get is what is donated to them from Trader Joe's, and it is all past the expiration date. If they don't have that, they eat peanut butter sandwiches till Trader Joe comes through again.
They are together as a group for school, their missions, and for work. With 6-8 girls in a room, they have to work to find any bit of privacy.
And they have to pay to be there. So those that stick it out, really want to.
Before and after pics of the rooms:
Normal Girl
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Day 6 Mission Trip
We were invited to a fund raising dinner for the Dream Center tonight. It was their first, and was well done. We sat at a table with the Bookers. The Bookers are the couple who run the ministry called Safe Haven. They take neighborhood children into their home. These children are from homes with absent parents, or addicted parents, or parents who just can't cope. The kids live in their house Monday through Friday and go home Saturday and Sunday. They also do parenting classes with the parents so that they will eventually be able to take the children back into their own homes. When they are ready, the kids live in their own homes during the week and at Safe Haven on the weekend. Right now they have three siblings from one family and one child from another family. Sounds like a lot of work and a lot of invested emotion, doesn't it?
This ministry was started when they found a three year old girl home babysitting her infant brother, and the folks at the Dream Center realized the kids in the neighborhood needed help.
It has been really interesting hearing the things God has called these people to, here at the Dream Center. They are amazingly selfless and donate endless amounts of time. I would say the Bookers donate their lives.
Food for thought and prayer....
Normal Girl
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Day 5 Beads as Universal Ice Breaker
The really great part of the day was having a bead soup party with the kids from the apartment building. They had a great time, boys and girls alike. This is the best part of the trip for me, meeting and chatting with the kids. We met people from California, Montana, Canada, Florida, Mozambique and Kenya. The most interesting was a 45 year old woman who left her family to enter the program. It is food for thought to think about leaving my life to live in a mess like that for a year or so to answer the call of Jesus. Impressive.
More pics from the day:
Day 4 Picture if You Will
Camera battery died, no pics today.
- living room got completely painted
- Pastor Paul agreed to remove the refrigerator from the living room....yes, the living room
- We got a ton of little chores done, trimming, cabinet door handles, etc
- Wonder Woman arrived tonight!!!!
- spilled paint in the living room on the carpet and a pile of sleeping bags...we got every sleeping bag clean!
- installed two ceiling lights only to find they blew the breaker when we turned the wall switch off...found out they had to be wired incorrectly to work...that is why taking on task that are deeper than surface, in an old house can sometimes be more bother than they are worth
- team earned chocolate raspberry truffle deserts from DQ by completing the painting in three rooms today
Lots more to do!
Normal Girl
Monday, May 18, 2009
Snapshots of Day 3
We got to the building and could not get into the parking lot because there were so many cars there. The manager at the Wendy's across the street let us park there and even told us where to part so they could watch the van.
The building has a security gate and you punch a number to get in. They also have a pad on the inside to get the gate open for you to leave. We could not get the gate open to leave, so we were stuck inside. Two of us got the brilliant idea to go in through an upper floor and out the front door. So we did that, locked the door behind us like responsible visitors and found a locked gate in the front yard. So, then we were locked in the gated front yard. And we had nobody else's phone numbers on us. Eventually, someone came along and let us back into the house and we found out that the code had been changed to get out of the gate. Thanks for telling us.
Two of us went to Home Depot tonight for misc stuff for tomorrow. We had pieces of wood to get cut, and the nice guy cut half of the pieces and the saw broke. He gave us the wood free, I just have to cut it myself tomorrow. We also wanted a toilet tank cover to replace a broken one. You cannot buy one. The nice man in that department told us to cover it with a garbage bag and duct tape it on. Pretty.
We are being fed to within an inch of our lives. Amazing.
We had lunch today with one of the students who told us her life story. She casually told us how Jesus has her life completely planned out. I am still thinking about that. Does He tell me that too and I am not listening? I have always thought He does not tell me that because if I know too far ahead of time, I am happy to take over. Am I missing out on something?
More tomorrow,
Normal Girl
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Atlanta Day 2
It was loud and full of love. His congregation experiences Sunday morning service in a way we do not. He knows them all very personally. He has rescued most of them from drug habits and prostitution. They have two homes full of kids that were handed to them on the street by their parents. The love of Jesus is here and it is real.
See a few more pics and a video of Pastor Paul:
Working in the ten-plex tomorrow....
Normal Girl
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Atlanta Day 1
For more pics of the day:
Pretty tired from a day on the road and painting furniture,
Normal Girl
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Mistaken Identity
Every Mother's day, we visit the local greenhouses up in Bay City. Carly was cold and wore her Grandmother's raincoat. In the pocket she found the famous plastic rain hat. It must be 30 years old. She put on the hat and her Grandmother said, "Oh boy, that is really ugly, I am never wearing that again." Haha, is that all it took?
Normal Girl
Monday, May 11, 2009
Running Away from Home

So, this week when I have 235923432 projects to do and 348 hours to do them in, I am thinking about running away from it all. So, this club of women with these cute trailers makes me want to hook up and go. I want to paint a tiny trailer and leave town.

Normal Girl
Sunday, May 10, 2009
It's Good to be a Girl
Who doesn't love a good twirling dress? She did this at least 20 times. None of the other girls could duplicate it, it is her claim to fame!
Twirl on sister!
Normal Girl
Friday, May 8, 2009
Normal Girl's Busy Day
About 23453 guys arrived this morning at 7 to give me a new roof. I had guys all over the place today. With Kim, Tim, and Jim onsite, it sometimes was confusing, but they were finished with the new roof and had patched the hole in the ceiling by 4 o'clock. I can remove the water catching bucket in the bathroom now! They found no other raccoon holes, but they did find termites. BLECH!
I also called Pastor Paul at the Atlanta Dream Center. He told me that when he told the girls we would be there in a week, they stood up cheering and clapping. I said they should reserve cheering and clapping until they see what we do. I love to kid a kidder, and he is a big tease. Reminds me of my Dad. They are really excited for us to be there and that ramped up my own excitement level a notch.
And, it is trash amnesty day here in the big city. I am waiting to see what broken junk people take off my curb this year. I wonder what they do with it when they get it home and it is broken. People are crazy when it comes to anything free. Someone is going to enjoy the broken chair that pinches their heinie when they sit in it.
Finally, tonight is a Mother/Daughter bead soup party. It looks like we will have quite a crowd!
Days like this, you blink and it is over,
Normal Girl
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Another Scholarly Summer

It has been creepy. The people against the church being online sound exactly like the real people at my church who hate the music, dancers, and rags. I can imagine the same debate when television and the automobile were invented. The nay-sayers don't want to change their comfortable world, so they call websites evil. And that's all they have. The pro-web side lists many beneficial things about having an online presence. Four days of this. Really, it has run its course.
So, I am in summer school again. Next summer, it is possible, I could be writing my thesis.
Educating myself and paying for it,
Normal Girl
Monday, May 4, 2009

Part of the preparation for the mission trip was reading a book together. We read In His Steps. It is an old book, written in 1897, I think. It was redone and updated in the 1970s to current language and culture. It is the book that started the WWJD movement in the 70s. It is about a church whose members make a pact to consider what Jesus would do in all of the decisions life presents. It is fiction, but it is thought provoking and I hope it will make us approach our trip and the work we will do from that view point. I suggested my teammates make a list of things Jesus would do if He was in their places on the mission trip. I spent some time thinking about it:
What would Jesus do as Normal Girl, leader of the Divine Design mission trip to the Atlanta Dream Center?
1. He would make time each morning and each evening to talk quietly with His Father.
2. This is God's mission trip, so while keeping in mind His original commitment to fix rooms in the apartment building, He would know His main purpose would be seeking the kingdom of God in every action. God may give Him other duties and other goals along the way, but in the end, He is a missionary on this trip.
3. The relationships of Jesus to His team members would be loving and he would serve them where possible.
4. He would give God the credit and the glory for all successes.
5. He would use the money people have given Him for the trip in the best, most efficient way possible.
6. He would gladly and warmly welcome unknown volunteers that present themselves. He would be patient, warm, and encouraging. He would be the best representative of His Father.
7. He would be attentive to His team and their goals, yet be open to any Divine appointments set for Him.
8. He would achieve excellence and joy in the process.
I don't know if I am even close. It is hard to put Jesus in my shoes.
Normal Girl
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Old Stained Glass Cross
Today we were challenged to sit in a different place in the auditorium. Funny how different everything looked from a different vantage point. It even felt like there was less space between pews on the other side. Of course, that can't be true. Here is what I learned:
- on the right side, the lights on the stage are way hotter and the people up there wash out
- the right side is under the air conditioning ducts and it is colder over there
- you can see more of the auditorium from the right side, I am not sure why that is, except the shape of the room is not symmetrical...I had a clear view of the was very distracting for me
- I have gotten used to the people I normally sit near. They feel like my Sunday morning family and I like catching up with them each week. They pay attention and do not distract me.
- it made me laugh how much whining went on when we were asked to switch seats and also how many people flat refused to do it
Try a different viewpoint today,
Normal GIrl
Friday, May 1, 2009
What Will it Be?
It's 15 feet long. So, what will it be? Show you Sunday.
Normal Girl
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