it's really important.......
Normal Girl
Yellow orange canaries.....
Once upon a time in a land far away, four girls were released from the juvenile home where they were never allowed to see the light of day. They heard the story of the brand new Walt Disney World far away in Florida and knew they had to go there. They walked all the way from Michigan to Florida in a snowstorm, uphill all the way. When they arrived, they struggled to think of a way to raise enough money to get into Disney World and buy Mickey Mouse ears with their names embroidered.
While hanging out at a roadside rest area, they heard a man describing a rare and valuable orange tree. This orange tree never has leaves, but it bears oranges in the crooks of the branches, wrapped in masking tape. Only one of these rare trees had ever been spotted in central Florida, but because the treasure found in the oranges is so valuable, orange tree hunters continue to search every inch of the land for one.
Dreaming of finding one of these rare trees, the girls got up from the picnic table and readied themselves to continue walking. Looking up, they noticed a tree without leaves. Could it be? Oranges in the crooks of the branches, held on with masking tape! They picked the oranges, opened them, found tickets to Disney World, and the rest is history.
I don't know any of those girls, it's just a story,
Normal Girl
Squeeze out a thin coating of lacquer to cover the paper. Let it dry, it won't take too long. Squeeze on another coat, a little thicker. Let it dry. Do this until the dome is full. It might take 3 or four coats.
Oh, and ah, here's one more thing I learned. You can't rush this process. Don't put these in the oven to speed dry. It was bad. The EPA could come arrest you for the noxious fumes. And, don't put it under a lightbulb either. See the bubbles? Just let each coat dry on its own time.
These are metal letter stamps. They come in many sizes. I bought these at the Harbor Freight store. They were inexpensive. If you want the nice ones that make really clean impressions and last forever, get some from Lisa.
Get out the letter you want to print, hold it steady on the disc, and pound it with the hammer. Use a heavy hammer, those pink handled things someone put in your Christmas stocking will not be heavy enough to make a decent impression. Spell out whatever name or workd you want on your charm.
This is a Sunshine cloth. It is for polishing. Rub it over the surface of your charm and it will polish away the marker on the surface, leaving the color in the indentions.
Wowza. I did a really lousy job of polishing. I should have had my glasses on or something. You do a better job than that or I won't pass you. You get the idea, right? Even though mine is embarrassing? Don't show this to anyone.
Where is Imaginina when I need her?
Normal Girl