There will be no quitting but my mind and heart have moved on. And I have a big class this semester, ethics. I read the syllabus tonight and it is involved. I am whining.
But, this school thing was not my idea, it was God's. So, the books have been ordered and I have begun the prep. Yes, the class does not begin until the 26th and I have work to do already.
Do you have advice for me? Take two and call me in the morning?
- two diet cokes?
- two attitude adjustments?
- two chocolate cupcakes?
- two semesters off?
- two extra hours of sleep?
- two prayers?
Normal Girl
prayers and sleep.
ethics - could end up being pretty interesting.
i admire you. and i will tell you what i tell me kids (which they LOVE hearing, by the way - ha): FINISH STRONG.
If only I was at the finish!
it is God's idea - He will help you - tell him you need a big dose help,
He won't let you down.
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