Notice anything strange about my rental car? The dash board is blank?? This is a weird little car, the dials and gauges are in the center of the dashboard, not in front of me. I find it really distracting and dangerous, so I can't look over there. I never know how fast I am going, because it takes my vision away from the road too long to find the gauge. Bad design.

I went into town yesterday and hung out around the Plaza a bit. The Plaza is THE place to be in Santa Fe. This is a pic of the Palace of the Governors. Native American artists sell their work here. It is a weird set up, if you ask me. They are given a spot each day by a lottery system. If you win a spot, you get a space on the sidewalk that is 4' x 5'. They each spread a little blanket on the sidewalk and lay out their work. To shop, you have to get on your knees. Does that seem a little weird? Demeaning, kind of? On the plus side, if you love silver bangle bracelets, this is THE place. The silver work is incredible and gorgeous.

The place I am staying is out in the boonies. They have all kinds of animals on the place. When I read the 30 page (not kidding) instruction book for staying in the casita, I read that soil in New Mexico has no nutrients, so if you want to grow anything, you have to compost or let animals poop all over the place. You have to watch where you are walking. But, aren't the peacocks gorgeous? I am glad I am not sleeping next to their house. They make a sound like a baby being tortured, it is very unnerving.

The day was perfect yesterday and I got my camera out in hopes of making a little portfolio of Santa Fe pics. This is the Presbyterian Church. I got a couple pics and then my battery gave it up. Battery is charged and ready to go today, but it is dark, cloudy and snowing. Hoping it lifts a bit later, I have a need to walk Canyon Road this afternoon.
Did I mention that I love it here?
Normal Girl
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