Once upon a time a girl lived in this room. She lived here a long time. She laughed and cried, dreamed and made plans.

She studied and prayed. And there finally came a time when she was ready and she went away to college to prepare for life ahead. OK, bye bye.

Enter her brother. He is looking forward to life in this room too. He is starting high school and coming into his own. He is already a world traveller.

The room is his now.


Lived in. Happily.

This is where he used to live.

Can it be saved?

Since the room was abandoned by him, his two little sisters moved in. In this room, they are beginning their journey. They will laugh and cry and study and pray here. They have new bedding and curtains and art. And a great photo of themselves with their big sister who is away at college.

It is sunny and happy.

And full of flying butterflies. These are 3D butterflies on the wall.
They are taking it all very seriously.
I have had so much fun painting!
Normal Girl
awwwww the rooms look so great!!! it's weird that my room is gone. very weird. but then again the direction my life has taken is very weird so i guess it's okay :)
awwww - this made me melancholy. you have a way with art AND with words.
i wish TheShortOnes had smiled for you. they can do better than that!
it's been a pleasure having you in our home to paint... and play hide & seek too.
oh i bet when i come over there theShortOnes will be thrilled to show me their new room!
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