Since I have sleep on the mind this week, I borrowed these Friday 5 questions for Thursday:
- How many hours’ sleep do you need in order to be at your best, and what’s the minimum you can get on a regular basis and still be functional?
- What’s your favorite sleeping position?
- What was the cause of your most recent difficulty sleeping?
- When you can’t seem to drift off to sleep right away, what are some things you do to bring about sleep?
- When did you last doze off at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate place?
I'll start....
1. I pretty much need 8 hours. I can manage awhile on as little as 6. Until menopause. Now I go sometimes for weeks on 4, and I am still alive.
2. on my stomach
3. too hot!
4. I write movies in my head. Some are sequels to shows or movies I have seen. Some are all mine. I am good at it, hahaha
5. During homework, I guess
Now you...
Normal Girl
Ive gone as little as 4 or 5... but I havent done that in a while. I need my sleep.
Curled up with my teddy bear. (Yes, I really do sleep with a teddy bear)
Stress and insomnia. Vicious cycle...
I listen to the radio. Usually trying to drown out the thoughts in my head.
This morning at work. Lol
I need 7 hours..never happens (especially since menopause)now I survive on 4-5; sleep on my stomach; when I cannot sleep I get up and read or write..the last strange place I fell asleep was during an MRI..
1. Everybody is better off if I get 7.
2. I like fetal position, but sleep on my back too.
3. The dog
4. Pray
5. Any place I've fallen asleep lately is appropriate.
1. Minimum 7 hours--can only do less for a couple days.
2. Either side. On my back = major snoring.
3. Sudden power surge
4. Reading, trying not to think about work.
5. In a car, in China, with co-workers and a vendor on a 3 hour drive. Apparently to miss a truck we went on the opposite side of the road and on the sidewalk...Missed it all.
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