Shout out to Mom. We are using your "hide it in the microwave" plan. We have so much stuff in this house, we might soon be adopting your "hide it in the dishwasher" plan too.

While I was collecting everyone from the airports in Orlando and Daytona Beach, The Human PinBall was prepping a surprise birthday party for the Queen.

French pastries of course! And flamingo picks as favored by the Queen.


Really. But funny, we laughed our heads off.

Just Jo! This is the Queen, aka Jo Pearson of Michaels. She is the creative genius behind projects and their fun videos. Friend her on facebook.

She was surprised but, ruled the party as royalty should.
After the party, we played a rousing game of Rob Your Neighbor. We each brought a gift and the rule was that we had to have made it ourselves. Mind you, I am in a group of artists and the pickings were AMAZING!

This bracelet was made by the Queen. Cute charms.

Finished bracelet that I made. You saw part of it last week. I added two more strands to finish it up.

Gorgeous bag by Barbara East. She is a painter extraordinaire.

The Human PinBall painted this beauteous canvas. I know you want it, I do. Love the crown and the gems on the branches.

Amazing painting by K-Chroma. I also want this one. OK, I want all of them, I admit it. Do you love the birds?

The Diplomat designed and made this jewelry holder. She should go into business.

Barbara West is also a painter extraordinaire. Gorgeous.
By the way we are missing Barbara Northwest this week. And, we are taking applications for Barbara SE. If you are from the SE part of the US and are fun and talented, let me know.

Think the Queen had fun?

The front sidewalk going into the house. Too bad it is raining now and washing it away.

After Rob Your Neighbor, we were all still friends and we walked over to the beach for a few minutes. It was not dark yet, the waves were amazing, as shown off by Barbara East and Barbara West.

The Human PinBall and The Diplomat on the beach.

The gang enjoying the beach. Tomorrow, the sun should be shining and we will be back.
Tomorrow is painting day. Stay tuned!
Normal Girl
girls just wanta have fun.....
ok i want to be barbara SE, except for having to be artistic and creative. if i am extra funny would that compensate for my lack of artistic skills/gifts???
and i REALLY want the sparrow painting. really.
could i custom order one in a different color? i'm serious. and without the crown. it represents a little boy in russia.
you must be having the best time - i'm so happy for you. you needed it after this winter and your class and just well... you needed it!
Beautiful stuff..I love New Smyrna Beach; my parents and in-laws live in Port Orange!!
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