The deadline to return the full backpacks was yesterday. Tonight, I went to church to collect the backpacks, to check that we had one for each child, and make sure everything on the list was inside each backpack.
It was overwhelming. In the best possible way. Just looking through those backpacks touched me very much. I could tell that people took time to plan and shop, and thought about the kids when they were assembling. The results of every one was amazing. Some of those backpacks are really stuffed. I gave a dollar limit, so that means people did some good bargain shopping.
Some wrote notes to their kids. Some put in extra special touches like hair clips, lip gloss, stickers, and gum. The backpacks matched the folders that matched the pencils. The backpacks are a kid's back to school dream. In a place and economy where people are very conscious of jobs and money, these 25 volunteers really came through, above and beyond the agreed upon project. It did my heart a world of good to know that the people in my congregation are willing to live what they believe And 25 kids, who live in a mission and have very little they can call their own, are going back to school with everything they need.
God is an amazing God. I can hardly wait to deliver the backpacks to the kids!
Normal Girl
years ago we did an annual backpack ministry to a local school with a high percentage of low-income kids... complete with pre-first-day-of-school pizza party. good stuff.
Hmmm, that is a great idea for delivery day, thank you!
I think your backpack blog would be a great thing to share on Sunday morning to encourage the masses!
I agree with you God is Amazing. So glad these little ones will feel loved and provided for in this way ;o) JoY!
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