I have always been able to procrastinate with the big boys, but in the last two weeks, I have found a new way to procrastinate that has absolutely no redeemable value. The galaxy. Kind of.
I have been painting every night for two weeks and coming home too tired to do anything important. Nothing on TV. I found reruns of Stargate SG-1 on Hulu. I like sci-fi, and if someone walked up and asked me if I wanted to go for a ride in the space shuttle, I would not even pack, I would just go. Of course, I would have to run 975576 miles on the way to get in shape, loose 100 pounds and 20 years in order to go, but I am ready.
So, I started watching this old show that started in 1997. Where was I that decade? It ran 10 years, but I never heard of it before. I might be a little obsessed. It is all I want to do. It has been torture all week to have to work, paint, and do homework. It was miserable to focus on the paper I had to write today. I put it off all week and there was no helping it, I had to write it today. One night I watched 4 episodes in a row. I can't focus on anything for that long, what is up with this? I have always been able to obsess, but this is ridiculous.
As I was writing the paper today, I wondered why I have more interest in watching some old reruns of a sci-fi show than the class that I paid a small fortune for, that I hope will become a part of a new career for me. What have I learned from this experience?
1. Richard Dean Anderson was just as cute at 50 as he was at 20.
ugh i SO feel you right now - not about the tv show (which i have never heard of - sorry) - but about the lack of motivation.
i must confess that tonight "say yes to the dress" was much more appealing than dr. towns...
Anything is more appealing than that guy.
FOUR episodes? that's pretty bad.
ob⋅sess [uhb-ses] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
1. to dominate or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally: Suspicion obsessed him.
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