Nephew 2 started off on his first big adventure of his life today. We went to the airport with him this morning to see him off to Houston. He trains there for a week and then goes to Iraq to work as a firefighter for a year. He has never been away from home, never flown, never even been in an airport. He is a firefighter and has saved the lives of a couple people. But, for him, this is huge. Look at him, you'd never know it. Why do we teach our boys to be unemotional? I know he was both excited and nervous about everything new that he will encounter in the next couple weeks. Nephew 3 and his Mom cried all the way home.
Say a prayer for the boy when you read this?
Normal Girl
i hate this.
P started getting 2 to 4 brochures from the armed forces his junior year of high school. i threw them all out. i never let him look at a single one.
i don't know what i would do if one of my sons came to me saying they felt God wanted them to serve their country.
Praying for him ~ Protection & Peace
plz update. i get depressed everytime i check your blog and see this pic.
He got to Houston without incident and promptly lost his phone.
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