On Christmas Eve, a woman sat outside, freezing, and crocheted this. She called it her Christmas present to NYC. The park curator ripped it apart first thing Christmas morning.
What do you think?
Is it art? Is it creative? Or, is it wasteful? Should she have spent her resources on sweaters for homeless folks? Should the park curator take it down a notch?
However you look at it, it was a lot of yarn and a lot of time. Art? Waste?
Normal Girl
yes art.
and yes waste.
it can be both, yes?
curator - too uptight. they should have left it up.
It is Yarn Bombing and it is art. Art is wasteful, but so is golf and hockey. However, it makes people happy being this wildly creative. Google "Yarn Bombing" to see many more examples. This is a great one. Probably done by a crew. http://www.scotsman.com/spectrum/Yarnbombing--a-sort-of.6665688.jp
I had no idea. I did google it and there is a ton of amazing info on yarn bombing. I think I will start bead bombing. I could not find anyone doing that. Thanks for contributing to my quest for creativity!
it would be fun to yarn-bomb mailboxes, don't you think? kind of the grown-up and mature version of TPing!
Yes. When are we putting on our black outfits and going for it?
you need to blog more often. i, for one, would like a pictoral tour of your house.
if i could making amazing yarn projects i would yarn bomb your house, kim :D
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