Monday, January 24, 2011

New Blog!

Yep, I have been a huge slacker on this blog, but the good news is that I have started a new blog. I had the feeling that I might be able to contribute more to society than how annoyed I am when I go to the post office. :) I hope that turns out to be true and we all enjoy the journey. I am sure I will still include some smart aleck comments, and Imaginina and the Human Pinball and the Diplomat will still be around. But I really want to focus on how creative people can be, and hope that it rubs off on all of us.

I have been working on it for a couple weeks. There are a few posts and pictures and assorted stuff ready. Please move with me to my new blog:

See you there!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cute or Wasteful?

On Christmas Eve, a woman sat outside, freezing, and crocheted this. She called it her Christmas present to NYC. The park curator ripped it apart first thing Christmas morning.

What do you think?

Is it art? Is it creative? Or, is it wasteful? Should she have spent her resources on sweaters for homeless folks? Should the park curator take it down a notch?

However you look at it, it was a lot of yarn and a lot of time. Art? Waste?
Normal Girl

Monday, January 3, 2011

Thinking About Creativity

I have been thinking a lot about creativity lately. I believe that creativity is like a muscle, it has to be exercised to work well. I find this to be very creative.

And this performance art.......

And that they got applause for this!

Normal Girl