I took my coupon to Border's today for the 2010 calendar hunt. It has to be good because I have to look at it all year, but I appreciate getting a discount. So, I can't decide between The Year of Manliness...

or the Mathematics Calendar 2010.
What's your vote?
Normal Girl
you weirdo.
What? What do you have? Puppies and Kitties?
i just got my 2010 calendar (ordered online, of course, because shopping with two little friends gets very old, very quick!) it's called "beyond the woods" and it's all wildlife. it hangs on our kitchen wall, so i got something that will appeal to my regular customers who are four ;o)
there's got to be something better....discount or not....
The Diplomat
do you want me to send you a calender for Christmas???? Apparently, Florida has a much better selection than Michigan.
You have something against the Year of Manliness?
SO what did you get??
The Diplomat
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